1-Michael L. Emerson & Mary Greenlee at the Flight 93 crash site western overlook-10Sept201.JPG |
2-Western overlook of the future Flight 93 Memorial site in Shanksville, PA-11Sept2010.JPG |
3-Western overlook of the Flight 93 Crash site in Shanksville, PA-11Sept2010.JPG |
4-The Flight 93 crash & Memorial site in Shanksville, PA-11Sept2010.JPG |
5-DetroitHank, Michael, Char, & Arnie at the Flight 93 temp Memorial site.JPG |
6-Michael&Mary at the Flight 93 Temp Memorial site for the 11 Sept 2010 events.JPG |
7-Michael L. Emerson at the Flight 93 Memorial crash site-11Sept 2010.JPG |
8-Mary&Michael before the Flight 93 Memorial ceremonies-11Sept 2010.JPG |
9-Laura Bush & Michelle Obama at the Flight 93 Memorial ceremonies-11Sept2010.JPG |
10-National Park Superintendent Joanne Hanley speaking-11Sept2010.JPG |
11-Paul Britton, Marion Britton's brother speaking-11Sept2010.JPG |
12-PA Governor Rundell speaking, Shanksville, PA-11Sept2010.JPG |
13-Jerry Bingham, Mark Bingham's father reading Heroes names-11Sept2010.JPG |
14-Gordie Felt, Edward Felt's brother speaking-11Sept2010.JPG |
15-Laura Bush speaking at the 11 Sept 2010 Events in Shanksville, PA.JPG |
16-Michele Obama speaking at the Flight 93 Memorial site-11Sept2010.JPG |
17-Mary&Michael after the 11 Sept 2010 events at the Flight 93 crash site.JPG |
18-Gene Stipl creator of the Flight 93 Flag with Michael-11Sept2010.jpg |
19-Chairman Chris Sullivan, Michael L. Emerson & King Laughlin after the Flight 93 Memorial Ceremony-11Sept2010. |